1. People are different, it is said a person is not rewarded for a deed, and it is said he is rewarded
And Allah is true, whoever ponders His matter
١. الناسُ مُختَلِفونَ قيلَ المَرءُ لا
يُجزى عَلى عَمَلٍ وَقيلَ يُجازى
2. Knows certainty and senses wonder
A pigeon twittered with the praise of the Angels
٢. وَاللَهُ حَقٌّ مَن تَدَبَّرَ أَمرَهُ
عَرَفَ اليَقينَ وَآنَسَ الإِعجازا
3. Settling in Syria or arriving in Hejaz
And birds, like humans, know their Lord
٣. رَجَزَت بِتَسبيحِ المَليكِ حَمامَةٌ
بِالشامِ توطِنُ أَو تَحُلُّ حِجازا
4. And through them the poets and prose writers
Among them are those who speak and those who are silent
٤. وَالطَيرُ مِثلُ الإِنسِ تَعرِفُ رَبِّها
وَتَرى بِها الشَعراءَ وَالرُجّازا
5. Who abandoned speech and chose brevity
So ask your pilgrim guide if you want guidance
٥. فيهُنَّ مِسهابٌ يُعَدُّ وَناطِقٌ
تَرَكَ المَقالَ وَآثَرَ الإيجازا
6. And hold your tongue back from speaking metaphor
Do not accept a promise if you can manage without
٦. فَاِسأَل حِجاكَ إِذا أَرَدتَ هِدايَةً
وَاِحبِس لِسانَكَ أَن يَقولَ مُجازا
7. And if you make one then make it easy to fulfil
The necks of matters have come to you through valleys
٧. لا تَرضَ وَعداً إِن قَدِرتَ عَلى نَداً
وَإِذا وَعَدتَ فَيَسِّرِ الإِنجازا
8. And you have glimpsed the wonder with your mind
٨. جاءَتكَ أَعناقُ الأُمورِ بَوادِياً
وَلَقَد لَمَحتَ بِلُبَّكَ الأَعجازا