
Those who claim virtue from a people, they are lying

من ادعى الخير من قوم فهم كذب

1. Those who claim virtue from a people, they are lying
There is no good in this world, no goodness

١. مَنِ اِدَّعى الخَيرَ مِن قَومٍ فَهُم كُذُبٌ
لا خَيرَ في هَذِهِ الدُنيا وَلا خِيَرُ

2. And the way of fate does not cease to amaze
Like the sea, journeys drown in its murkiness

٢. وَسيرَةُ الدَهرِ ما تَنفَكُّ مُعجِبَةً
كَالبَحرِ تَغرَقُ في ضَحضاحِها السِيَرُ

3. We got our needs from our dusty mother
And for the simple, inheritance from our bodies

٣. نَمتارُ مِن أُمِّنا الغَبراءِ حاجَتَنا
وَلِلبَسيطَةِ مِن أَجسادِنا مِيَرُ

4. How much it changed us with an event, sudden is its affair
And our Lord Allah, change did not touch Him

٤. كَم غَيَّرَتنا بِأَمرٍ خُطَّ حادِثُهُ
وَرَبُّنا اللَهُ لَم تُلمِم بِهِ الغِيَرُ