
O kings of the countries, you have won the youth of life

يا ملوك البلاد فزتم بنسء ال

1. O kings of the countries, you have won the youth of life
And oppression is your way with women

١. يا مُلوكَ البِلادِ فُزتُم بِنَسءِ ال
عُمرِ وَالجَورُ شَأنُكُم في النِساءِ

2. Why do you not see the paths to glory?
The excited minister may visit women

٢. ما لَكُم لا تَرَونَ طُرقَ المَعالي
قَد يَزورُ الهَيجاءَ وَزيرُ نِساءِ

3. People hope that an Imam will rise
Speaking in the silent battalion

٣. يَرتَجي الناسُ أَن يَقومَ إِمامٌ
ناطِقٌ في الكَتيبَةِ الخَرساءِ

4. Expectations lied, there is no Imam but
The mind advising morning and evening

٤. كَذَبَ الظَنُّ لا إِمامَ سِوى ال
عَقلِ مُشيراً في صُبحِهِ وَالمَساءِ

5. If you obey it, it will bring mercy
When traveling and settling

٥. فَإِذا ما أَطَعتَهُ جَلَبَ ال
رَحمَةَ عِندَ المَسيرِ وَالإِرساءِ

6. These doctrines are just means
To attract the world to the presidents

٦. إِنَّما هَذِهِ المَذاهِبُ أَسبا
بٌ لِجَذبِ الدُنيا إِلى الرُؤَساءِ

7. The people's aim is pleasure, they do not
Care for the tears of the distinguished and the silent

٧. غَرَضُ القَومِ مُتعَةٌ لا يَرِقّو
نَ لِدَمعِ الشَيمّاءِ وَالخَنساءِ

8. Like the one who stood to gather the Zanj with
Al-Basrah and the Qarmatians with Al-Ahsa

٨. كَالَّذي قامَ يَجمَعُ الزَنجَ بِالبَص
رَةِ وَالقَرمَطِيَّ بِالأَحساءِ

9. So seclude yourself as much as you can, for the truthful
Tells heavy on the sitters

٩. فَاِنفَرِد ما اِستَطَعتَ فَالقائِلُ الصا
دِقُ يُضحي ثِقَلاً عَلى الجُلَساءِ