1. I have benefited in health from abandoning restaurants,
So I have no illness to fear or love to pine for.
١. أَفَدتُ بِهِجرانِ المَطاعِمِ صِحَّةً
فَما بِيَ مِن داءٍ يُخافُ وَلا حِبنِ
2. And if I voice a complaint, I voice it stealthily,
Like a slight, early slice touched with vinegar.
٢. وَإِن أَلقَ شَكوي أَلقَهُ تَحتَ خِفيَةٍ
كَجُزءٍ بَسيطٍ أَوَّلٍ مُسَّ بِالخَبنِ
3. And I have become in the world a foolish outcast,
So I have blinded my progeny from harm and injustice.
٣. وَأَصبَحتُ في الدُنيا غَبيناً مُرَزَّأً
فَأَعقَيتُ نَسلي مِن أَذاةٍ وَمِن غَبنِ
4. Yet you will not see me digging like a hyena,
Nor for my chicks will I build like the bird builds.
٤. فَلَستَ تَراني حافِراً مِثلَ ضَبِّها
وَلا لِفِراخي مِثلَ طائِرِها أَبني
5. If you judge me unjustly, me and my father,
Then you will not judge likewise my daughters or my son.
٥. فَإِن تَحكُمي بِالجَورِ فِيَّ وَفي أَبي
فَلَن تَحكُميهِ في بَناتي وَلا في اِبني
6. And you have kindled for me the fire of darkness, but I did not
Find your morning pleasant, but rather your fangs in my trunk.
٦. وَأَوقَدتِ لي نارَ الظَلامِ فَلَم أَجِد
سَناكِ بِطَرفي بَل سِنانَكِ في ضِبني
7. And the guest's milk did not curdle when he came knocking
With what is still fermenting in the morning from the milk.
٧. وَما قامَ لَبَنُ الضَيفِ إِذ جاءَ طارِقاً
بِما هُوَ راجٍ في الصَباحِ مِنَ اللَبنِ