
How can one settled in Umm Dafr describe it

كيف يصفو المقيم في أم دفر

1. How can one settled in Umm Dafr describe it
When from every perspective he chooses it

١. كَيفَ يَصفو المُقيمُ في أُمِّ دَفرٍ
وَهُوَ مِن كُلِّ وَجهَةٍ يَصطَفيها

2. From lands the newcomer had come
Yet did not heed those leaving it

٢. مِن دِيارٍ قَد جاءَها القادِمُ الآ
تي فَلَم يَعتَبِر بِمَنصَرِفيها

3. And the diversity of affairs whereupon
Personal traits contain those differing in them

٣. وَاِختِلافٍ مِنَ الشُؤونِ عَلى
أَنَّ السَجايا تَضُمُّ مُختَلِفيها

4. And the intimacy of friends snatches pleasures
If surrendered to those snatching them

٤. وَبُزاةُ الأَنيسِ تَختَطِفُ اللَذ
ذاتِ لَو سُلِّمَت لِمُختَطِفيها

5. An Arab strives for the neighboring world
Thus is he called foolish for what he gained

٥. عَرَبِيٌّ يَسعى إِلى الجارَةِ الدُن
يا فَيُدعى لِما جَناهُ سَفيها

6. And you see the bumpkin chooses a bride
From beyond the village in which he resides

٦. وَتَرى الكاسِكِيَّ يَختارُ عِرساً
مِن سِوى القَريَةِ الَّتي هُوَ فيها