
A place and time have grasped all comprehension

مكان ودهر أحرزا كل مدرك

1. A place and time have grasped all comprehension,
Yet they have no perceivable form or volume.

١. مَكانٌ وَدَهرٌ أَحرَزا كُلَّ مُدرِكٍ
وَما لَهُما لَونٌ يُحَسُّ وَلا حَجمُ

2. We have no knowledge of our God's secrets -
Did the sun know them or did the stars sense them?

٢. وَلَيسَ لَنا عِلمٌ بِسِرِّ إِلَهِنا
فَهَل عَلِمَتهُ الشَمسُ أَو شَعَرَ النَجمُ

3. We are wanderers who surmise and accuse each other
To know the light of the planets and the accusations.

٣. وَنَحنُ غُواةٌ يَرجُمُ الظَنَّ بَعضُنا
لِيَعرِفَ ما نورُ الكَواكِبِ وَالرُجمُ

4. Our hours drive us away as if we were
Camel drivers unrestrained by the halters.

٤. وَتَطرُدُنا ساعاتُنا وَكَأَنَّنا
وَسائِقُ خَيلٍ ما تُكَفكِفُها اللُجمُ

5. God ordained in a time gone by that your year
Should diminish life or add to captivity.

٥. قَضى اللَهُ في وَقتٍ مَضى أَنَّ عامَكُم
يَقِلُّ حَياهُ أَو يَزيدُ بِهِ السَجمُ

6. So your saying "Lord, give us rain" is fruitless,
For by this the Arabs and non-Arabs submitted.

٦. فَقَولُكُمُ رَبِّ اِسقِنا غَيرُ مُمطِرٍ
وَلَكِن بِهَذا دانَتِ العُربُ وَالعُجُمُ

7. With your ignorance you attack everything
And one day your onslaught will hit true guidance.

٧. عَلى كُلِّ شَيءٍ تَهجِمونَ بِجَهلِكُم
وَأَعياكُمُ يَوماً عَلى رَشَدٍ هَجمُ