1. Your piety is provision, so believe
It is the best of what you carry in your flask
١. تَقواكَ زادٌ فَاِعتَقِد أَنَّهُ
أَفضَلُ ما أَودَعتَهُ في السَقاء
2. Alas, tomorrow, from flowing sweat
And a raging, climbing fever
٢. آهٍ غَداً مِن عَرَقٍ نازِلٍ
وَمُهجَةٍ مولَعَةٍ بِاِرتِقاء
3. My clothes need a washer
If only my heart was as pure as them
٣. ثَوبِيَ مُحتاجٌ إِلى غاسِلٍ
وَلَيتَ قَلبي مِثلَهُ في النَقاء
4. A gentle death, with it there is mercy
Better than affluence and longevity
٤. مَوتٌ يَسيرٌ مَعهُ رَحمَةٌ
خَيرٌ مِنَ اليُسرِ وَطولِ البَقاءِ
5. We have experienced life in its phases
And found in it nothing but misery
٥. وَقَد بَلَونا العَيشَ أَطوارَهُ
فَما وَجَدنا فيهِ غَيرَ الشَقاء
6. The people have gone ahead, so our longing
Is to follow the family and friends
٦. تَقَدَّمَ الناسُ فَيا شَوقَنا
إِلى اِتِّباعِ الأَهلِ وَالأَصدِقاء
7. How good is death for its drinker
If the hope of meeting the dead is true
٧. ما أَطيَبَ المَوتَ لِشُرّابِهِ
إِن صَحَّ لِلأَمواتِ وَشكُ اِلتِقاء