
Does the wailing mourner rejoice at the watering of the land's soil

هل يفرح الناعب الغداف بسقيا ال

1. Does the wailing mourner rejoice at the watering of the land's soil
If the stars of nightfall fell down?

١. هَل يَفرَحُ الناعِبُ الغَدافُ بِسُقيا ال
أَرضِ إِن طالِعُ الدُجى سَقَطا

2. It occurs to him that the dust, if rain fell on it
Brought seeds, so he gathered them.

٢. يَلهَمُ أَنَّ التُرابَ إِن وَقَعَ ال
غَيثُ أَتى بِالحُبوبِ فَاِلتَقَطا

3. A mourner with a faint voice glorified Allah
And a gloomy she-camel roared noisily

٣. سَبَّحَ لِلَّهِ ناعِبٌ صَوتُهُ غا
قِ وَكِدريَّةٌ تَصيحُ قَطا

4. And if we were punished according to our natures
Life would have withheld from us its drops.

٤. وَلَو جُزينا عَلى خَلائِقِنا
أَمسَكَ عَنّا الحَيا فَما نَقَطا