
Pull, o raven, and spoil, you will see no one

جر يا غراب وأفسد لن ترى أحدا

1. Pull, o raven, and spoil, you will see no one
Except a wrongdoer, and who of creation has not wronged?

١. جُر يا غُرابُ وَأَفسِد لَن تَرى أَحَداً
إِلّا مُسيئاً وَأَيُّ الخَلقِ لَم يَجُرِ

2. So take from the crops enough to spare you from death
And seek provision in the heights of the trees

٢. فَخُذ مِنَ الزَرعِ ما يَكفيكَ عَن عُرُضٍ
وَحاوِلِ الرِزقَ في العالي مِنَ الشَجَرِ

3. And I do not blame you, but give you an excuse
If you snatch the pots of the people from the room

٣. وَما أَلومُكَ بَل أَوليكَ مَعذِرَةً
إِذا خَطَفتَ ذُبالَ القَومِ في الحُجَرِ

4. The descendants of Eve tended to the drowsy lion
And did not call for peace the goddess of the room

٤. فَآلُ حَوّاءَ راعوا الأُسدَ مُخدِرَةً
وَلَم يُنادوا بِسِلمٍ رَبَّةَ الوَجُرِ

5. And whoever wronged them is to them
Like the bringer of dates, deceived to Hajar

٥. وَمَن أَتاهُم بِظُلمٍ فَهُوَ عِندَهُمُ
كَجالِبِ التَمرِ مُغتَرّاً إِلى هَجَرِ

6. They are companions who have all those they accompanied
Of their kind and permitted everything stored

٦. هُمُ المَعاشِرُ ضاموا كُلَّ مَن صَحِبوا
مِن جِنسِهِم وَأَباحوا كُلَّ مُحتَجِرِ

7. If you were guarding fruit for them you would spoil
Then approached, they would not spare you from the room

٧. لَو كُنتَ حافِظَ أَثمارٍ لَهُم يَنَعَت
ثُمَّ اِقتَرَبتَ لَما أَخلَوكَ مِن حَجَرِ