
No doubt God is the Truth, so blame

لا ريب أن الله حق فلتعد

1. No doubt God is the Truth, so blame
Your doubting souls, that question His existence

١. لا رَيبَ أَنَّ اللَهَ حَقٌّ فَلتَعُد
بِاللَومِ أَنفُسُكُم عَلى مُرتابِها

2. Your minds argue with souls
That don't heed advice or rebuke

٢. وَغَدَت عُقولُكُمُ تُعاتِبُ أَنفُساً
لَيسَت تَريعُ لِنُصحِها وَعِتابَها

3. Why not repent your sins, o sinner
Before death comes, and there's no turning back

٣. هَلّا تَتوبُ مِنَ الذُنوبِ خَواطِئٌ
قَبلَ اِعتِراضِ المَوتِ دونَ مَتابِها

4. The Christians built churches for Christ
Yet they would criticize this act

٤. بَنَتِ النَصارى لِلمَسيحِ كَنائِساً
كانَت تَعيبُ الفِعلَ مِن مُنتابِها

5. And whenever I mention Muhammad and his book
The Jews come denying him and his scripture

٥. وَمَتى ذَكَرتُ مُحَمَّداً وَكِتابَهُ
جاءَت يَهودُ بِجَحدِها وَكِتابِها

6. Does Islam's creed deny all faiths?
When your Lord has shaped it and brought it?

٦. أَفَمِلَّةُ الإِسلامِ يُنكِرُ مُنكِرٌ
وَقَضاءُ رَبِّكَ صاغَها وَأَتى بِها

7. Where is the guidance, that we may steer
Through the dunes, the smooth sands we slide over

٧. أَينَ الهُدى فَنَرومَهُ بِمَشَقَّةٍ
في البيدِ ساطِيَةٍ عَلى مُجتابِها

8. The wood is tent pegs well hammered in
Though those who walked on them complained of their sharpness

٨. وَالعَيسُ أَقتابٌ لَها مَستورَةٌ
شَكَتِ الَّذينَ سَرَوا عَلى أَقتابِها