1. An ear has warned us of grievous news,
And ears are only called so for hearing.
١. قَد آذَنَتنا بِأَمرٍ فادِحٍ أُذُنٌ
وَإِنَّما قيلَ آذانٌ لِإيذانِ
2. A sun and a moon lit up the morn and gloom
For Adam, and there is no doubt they are the two.
٢. شَمسٌ وَبَدرٌ أَنارا في ضُحىً وَدُجىً
لِآدَمٍ وَهُما لا رَيبَ هَذانِ
3. Neither has night unravelled its ropes,
Nor the dawn, and every rope is on a pillar they shake.
٣. وَاللَيلُ وَالصُبحُ ما اِنجَذَّت حِبالُهُما
وَكُلَّ حَبلٍ عَلى عَمدٍ يَجُذّانِ
4. They eat yet face no table
With food, nor tasted any sweet honey.
٤. وَيَأكُلانِ وَلَم يَستَوبِلا مِقَراً
مِنَ الطَعامِ وَلا شَهداً يَلَذّانِ
5. The two newcomers never thought or knew,
Rather two birds perched on a branch they shook.
٥. إِنَّ الجَديدَينِ ما ظَنّا وَما عَلِما
بَل طائِرانِ عَلى جَدٍّ أَحَذّانِ
6. Two gazes of God unharmed and unhurt,
Ever of a measure they shook.
٦. طِرفانِ لِلَّهِ ما بُذّا وَلا لُحِقا
وَلَم يَزالا بِمِقدارٍ يَبُذّانِ
7. Rebuking us in their stillness
Like two unsheathed swords they brandished.
٧. هَذّا العِظاتِ عَلَينا في سُكونِهِما
كَصارِمَينِ ذَوي غَربٍ يُهَذّانِ
8. And Earth said, gently, O sons
Mount me and race over my beauty and wound me!
٨. وَقالَتِ الأَرضُ مَهلاً يا بَنِيّ أَلا
سِيّانِ فَوقَي أَجمالي وَقَذّاني
9. May God feed you from me then compensate me
For what I encountered - so, with bodies, feed me!
٩. غَذاكُمُ اللَهُ مِنّي ثُمَّ عَوَّضَني
مِمّا لَقيتُ فَبِالأَجسامِ غَذّاني
10. You walked me with feet and sandals
So I was entered - who opened me for those who wounded me?
١٠. وَطِئتُموني بِأَقدامٍ وَأَحذِيَةٍ
فَقَد أُدِلتُ فَتَحتي مَن تَحَذّاني
11. How much heat and cold has passed in time
And blossomed on earth of flowers and spleenwort!
١١. كَم مَرَّ في الدَهرِ مِن قَيظٍ وَمِن شَبَمٍ
وَلاحَ في الأَرضِ مِن وِردٍ وَحَوذانِ
12. O two friends who sought relief from dearth
In whom you take refuge or from whom you seek protection?
١٢. يا صاحِبَيَّ اللَذَينِ اِستَشفَيا لِضَنىً
بِمَن تَلوذانِ أَو مِمَّن تَعوذانِ
13. Hippocrates, my life, and Galen were not spared
And truly they were supreme in medicine!
١٣. بُقراطَ عَمري وَجالينوسُ ما سَلِما
وَالحَقُّ أَنَّهُما في الطِبِّ فَذّانِ