1. Three fateful events, aching grief and blindness,
And a path that has become clear, so is there any dawn?
١. ثَلاثُِ مَآرِبٍ عَنسٌ وَكورٌ
وَنَهجٌ قَد أَبانَ فَهَل بُكورُ
2. And some people in this world are like birds,
Their beaks are too delicate for blindness.
٢. وَبَعضُ الناسِ في الدُنيا كَطَيرٍ
أَوانِفَ أَن تُلائِمُها الوُكورُ
3. Males without females, but
Their effeminate companions are males.
٣. ذُكورٌ لا إِناثَ لَها وَلَكِن
قَرائِنُها المُهَنَّدَةُ الذُكورُ
4. I have long known you, o sons of Eve,
You are all the brothers of an ungrateful complainer.
٤. عَرَفتُكُمُ بَني حَوّاءَ قِدماً
فَكُلُّكُمُ أَخو ضِغنٍ مَكورُ
5. And none of you rewards good deeds,
Nor is any among you grateful for blessings.
٥. وَما فيكُم عَلى الإِحسانِ جازٍ
وَلا مِنكُم عَلى النُعمى شَكورُ