
I see the sea salty, not generous to the visitor

أرى البحر ملحا لا يجود لوارد

1. I see the sea salty, not generous to the visitor
With a blooming rose, I wander in mirage and wander years

١. أَرى البَحرَ مِلحاً لا يَجودُ لِوارِدٍ
بِوِردٍ فَعومي في السَرابِ وَعامي

2. You both lean away from the path of certainty as if
A blind man walked with you or a barefoot nomad

٢. تَميلينَ عَن نَهجِ اليَقينِ كَأَنَّما
سَرى بِكَ أَعمى أَو عَراكِ تَعامي

3. The cry of eagles in the breaking of eggs
And the howl of wolves in the flesh of ostriches

٣. سِمامُ أَفاعٍ في اِهتِضامِ خَوادِرٍ
وَخَتلُ ذِئابٍ في حُلومِ نَعامِ

4. And how many years have passed that I was not part of its people
And how my people were abandoned behind my back

٤. وَكَم مَرَّ عامٌ لَم أَكُن بَعضَ أَهلِهِ
وَكَم نُبِذَت خَلفي أَهِلَّةُ عامِ

5. So away with a soul that remains miserable
For the love of drink or the love of food

٥. فَبُعداً لِنَفسٍ لا تَزالُ ذَليلَةً
لِحُبِّ شَرابٍ أَو لِحُبِّ طَعامِ