
They came claiming virtue

لقد جاء قوم يدعون فضيلة

1. They came claiming virtue,
Each seeking benefit for his tribe,

١. لَقَد جاءَ قَومٌ يَدَّعونَ فَضيلَةً
وَكُلُّهُمُ يَبغي لِمُهجَتِهِ نَفعا

2. Not lowering themselves to raise you -
Rather, they saw your lowness as raising them high.

٢. وَما اِنخَفَضوا كَي يَرفَعوكُم وَإِنَّما
رأوا خَفضَكُم طولَ الحَياةِ لَهُم رَفعا

3. They established no proof to follow;
If they insist on their claim, then insist on rejecting it.

٣. وَما ثَبَّتوا مِن شاهِدٍ يُهتَدى بِهِ
فَإِن لَزَموا دَعواهُمُ فَاِلزَموا الدَفعا

4. We believe God is Odd, and fear of Him
Is guidance - so pray the witr in life and in pairs.

٤. نَدينُ بِأَنَّ اللَهَ وِترٌ وَخَوفُهُ
رَشادٌ فَصَلّوا الوَتَرَ في الدَهرِ وَالشَفَعا

5. Your world is an abode that contains
No righteous man - so weep not for its foolish ones.

٥. وَدُنياكُمُ الدارُ الَّتي ما تَضَمَّنَت
زَكيّاً فَلا تَبكوا أَثافِيَّها السُفعا