
A fate that comes from all directions

قضاء يوافي من جميع جهاته

1. A fate that comes from all directions
As it is beyond our hopes and fears

١. قَضاءٌ يُوافي مِن جَميعِ جِهاتِهِ
كَما هُوَ عَن أَيمانِنا وَالأَياسِرِ

2. Had the tyrants not intended harm to the helpless
It would not have molded them with claws

٢. وَلَو لَم يُرِد جَورَ البُزاةِ عَلى القَطا
مُكَوِّنُها ما صاغَها بِمَناسِرِ

3. I saw my silence as a commodity so I stuck to it
If it brings no profits, at least I lose nothing

٣. رَأَيتُ سُكوتي مَتجَراً فَلَزِمتُهُ
إِذا لَم يُفِد رِبحاً فَلَستُ بِخاسِرِ