1. As if I were riding the waves, whipped up
By gales, amid turmoil and swelling,
١. كَأَنَّني راكِبُ اللُجَّ الَّذي عَصَفَت
رِياحُهُ فَهوَ في هَولٍ وَتَمويجِ
2. While in your nature is fickleness, and the crescent
At its zenith is a covenant of curvature and twisting.
٢. وَفي طِباعِكَ زَيغٌ وَالهِلالُ عَلى
سُمُوِّهِ حِلفُ تَقويسٍ وَتَعويجِ
3. So weigh a word for its sound when you utter it,
And weigh a gift for its beauty when you proffer it,
٣. فَزِن مِنَ الوَزنِ لَفظاً حينَ تُرسِلُه
وَزِن مِنَ الزَينِ إِعطاءً بِتَرويجِ
4. And look into your own blamable soul,
Even if you were to be the brother of a sovereign with a crown.
٤. وَاِنظُر إِلى نَفسِكَ اللَومى بِمَنظَرِها
وَلَو غَدَوتَ أَخا مُلكٍ وَتَتويجِ
5. And seek for your daughter a husband who will cherish her,
And frighten your son about having offspring and marriage.
٥. وَاِطلُب لِبِنتِكَ زَوجاً كَي يُراعيها
وَخَوِّفِ اِبنَكَ مِن نَسلٍ وَتَزويجِ
6. Prosperity is not the same as destitution in judgments; no,
The state of the well-off has diverged from the state of the needy.
٦. ما اليَسرُ كَالعُدمِ في الأَحكامِ بَل شَحَطَت
حالُ المَياسيرِ عَن حالِ المَحاوِجِ