1. The leader knew, and I do not say this in conjecture
That the candidates with their efforts gain these ambitions
١. عَلِمَ الإِمامُ وَلا أَقولُ بِظَنِّهِ
إِنَّ الدُعاةَ بِسَعيِها تَتَكَسَّبُ
2. This mirage shows shapes to the onlooker
But close by they will dissipate and be exhausted
٢. هَذا الهَواءُ يَلوحُ فيهِ لِناظِرٍ
صُوَرٌ وَلَكِن عَن قَريبٍ تَرسُبُ
3. And mankind is a type that no one individual embodies
All bodies are descended from dust through their ancestry
٣. وَالناسُ جِنسٌ ما تَمَيَّزَ واحِدٌ
كُلُّ الجُسومِ إِلى التُرابِ تَنَسَّبُ
4. And all that glistens with its hidden inside
If tasted, is savory, so what other than bitter sustenance do you gain?
٤. وَالأَريُ باطِنَهُ مَتى ماذُقتَهُ
شَريٌ فَماذا لا أَبا لَكَ تَلسَبُ
5. And Egypt, teeming with people, will become empty
And space, once accommodating, will be too crowded to inhabit
٥. وَسَيُقفَرُ المَصرُ الحَريجُ بِأَهلِهِ
وَيَغُصُّ بِالإِنسِ الفَضاءُ السَبسَبُ