
If a snake charmer stops charming snakes

إذا كف صل أفعوان فما له

1. If a snake charmer stops charming snakes
He has nothing left but his home where he lives off the soil

١. إِذا كُفَّ صِلٌّ أُفعُوانٌ فَما لَهُ
سِوى بَيتِهِ يَقتاتُ ما عَمَرَ التُربا

2. And if the eyes of an unsteady, drunk wanderer were to vanish
He would no longer herd sheep in the meadows or flocks

٢. وَلَو ذَهَبَت عَينا هِزَبرٍ مُساوِرٍ
لَما راعَ ضَأناً في المَراتِعِ أَو سِربا

3. And if the lights of `Amr and 'Âmir were brought together
They would bear neither a lance nor witness battle

٣. أَو اِلتُمِعَت أَنوارُ عَمرٍ وَعامِرٍ
لَما حَمَلا رُمحاً وَلا شَهِدا حَربا

4. They say, “Why not attend the assembly by which
We hoped to gain God’s pardon or nearness?”

٤. يَقولونَ هَلّا تَشهَدُ الجُمَعَ الَّتي
رَجونا بِها عَفواً مِنَ اللَهِ أَو قُربا

5. But what good is there for me in attending when
I only crowd out the best of them, mangy camels?

٥. وهَل لِيَ خَيرٌ في الحُضورِ وَإِنَّما
أُزاحِمُ مِن أَخيارِهِم إِبلاً جُربا

6. By my life, I have seen many non-Arabs
And Arabs, but I have praised no non-Arabs or Arabs

٦. لَعَمري لَقَد شاهَدتُ عُجماً كَثيرَةً
وَعُرباً فَلا عُجُماً حَمَدتُ وَلا عُربا

7. And death has a cup that the soul dislikes drinking
But one day we will have to drink it

٧. وَلِلمَوتِ كَأسٌ تَكرَهُ النَفسُ شُربَها
وَلابُدَّ يَوماً أَن نَكونَ لَها شَربا

8. Good fortune in your world is for the young man to die
Amid the tumult, people stabbing and striking

٨. مِنَ السَعدِ في دُنياكَ أَن يَهلَكَ الفَتى
بِهَيجاءَ يَغشى أَهلُها الطَعنَ وَالضَربا

9. For it is ugly to lie in blackened state
On his carpet complaining to comrades of distress

٩. فَإِنَّ قَبيحاً بِالمُسَوَّدِ ضِجعَةٌ
عَلى فَرشِهِ يَشكو إِلى النَفَرِ الكَربا

10. I have an east by sword that is no west
Have I set out eastward on the roads or west?

١٠. وَلي شَرقٌ بِالحَتفِ ما هُوَ مُغرَبٌ
أَيَمَّمتُ شَرقاً في المَسالِكِ أَم غربا

11. He amassed in the palace the wealth of a Persian
And how many crossed a sea without Caesar or path

١١. تَقَنَّصَ في الإيوانِ أَملاكَ فارِسٍ
وَكَم جازَ بَحراً دونَ قَيصَرَ أَو دَربا