1. I will only output the English translation of the poem:
I shall depart from longing, though unaware
١. سَأَرحَلُ عَن وَشكٍ وَلَستُ بِعالِمٍ
عَلى أَيِّ أَمرٍ لا أَبا لَكَ أَقدُمُ
2. Of what affair I venture on for your sake;
And my death was made easier for me by my certainty
٢. وَهَوَّنَ إِعدامي عَلَيَّ تَحَقُّقي
بأَنّي وَإِن طالَ التَمَكُّثُ أُعدَمُ
3. That though my stay be prolonged, yet I shall die.
If life be naught but life, and no more between us,
٣. فَإِن لَم تَكُن إِلّا الحَياةُ وَبَينُها
فَلَستُ عَلى أَيّامِها أَتَنَدَّمُ
4. Then I do not regret any of its days.
And your world - the young man desires it
٤. وَدُنياكَ يَهواها عَلى الهَرَمِ الفَتى
وَيَخدُمُها فيما يَنوبُ المُخَدَّمُ
5. And serves it, as the abased serves.
I see the person span kingdoms, and contain them;
٥. أَرى الشَخصَ يَطوي المَمالِكَ تَحتَوي
وَمَن صَحَّ يَذوي وَالمُجادِلُ تُهدَمُ
6. Yet he who prospers wanes, and the disputant crumbles.
You denied me passion, and passion subdued me;
٦. مَنَعتَ الهَوى مِنّي وَسُمتَنِيَ الهَوى
وَقَد يَبلُغُ الحاجَ الفَنيقُ المُسَدَّمُ
7. The wearied pilgrim may yet reach Phoenix.
When the leaders of men appoint and then fall to strife,
٧. إِذا رُؤَساءُ الناسِ أَمّوا تَنازَعوا
كُؤوسَ الأَذى هَل في الزُجاجَةِ عِندَمُ
8. In the glass, is there yet wine that hurts no one?
Not even drinking wine hurts their souls,
٨. وَلَم يُرضِهِم شُربُ المُدامَةِ أَذهَبَت
حِجى النَفسِ إِلّا أَن يُمازِجَها الدَمُ
9. Save that blood mingles with it.
We are like the lost camel, more deserving
٩. فَنَحنُ كَأَيمِ الضالِ أَولى مِراسَهُ
بِما كانَ يَغوي الآخَرَ المُتَقَدِّمُ
10. Of guidance from Him who guides the one preceding.
And Eve gave her daughter misery, and her son
١٠. وَحَوّاءُ أَعطَت بِنتَها البُؤسَ وَاِبنَها
لِآدَمَ يُغذى بِالشَقاءِ وَيُؤدَمُ