1. Be mindful of God in every scene,
For what is more fragrant or lasting than Him?
١. عَلَيكَ بِتَقوى اللَهِ في كُلِّ مَشهَدٍ
فَلِلَّهِ ما أَذكى نَسيماً وَما أَبقى
2. When you ride determination, making it your innermost,
You will outpace those you'd never expect to outdo.
٢. إِذا ما رَكِبتَ الحَزمَ مُستَبطِناً لَهُ
سَبَقتَ بِهِ مَن لا تَظِنُّ لَهُ سَبقا
3. My love of this life is as pure as yours.
Around both our necks desire has been made a noose.
٣. وَحُبِّيَ لِلدُنيا كَحُبِّكَ خالِصٌ
وَفي عُنُقَينا مِن هَوىً جُعِلَت رِبقا
4. Beware, for minds have turned against us like others.
What raven has not excelled in serving eaten scraps?
٤. حَذِرنا فَصادَتنا الخُلوبُ كَغَيرِنا
وَأَيُّ غُرابٍ ما أَجادَت لَهُ طَبَقا