1. My neighbor, the young man bears the greatest tribulation
Among family and neighbors
١. جَيرِ أَنَّ الفَتى لَفي النَصبِ الأَع
ظَمِ بَينَ الأَهلَينِ وَالجيرانِ
2. And the neighing of the generous horse is like war
Facing the angry warrior
٢. وَحِرانُ الجَوادِ كَالحَتفِ لِلها
رِبِ قُدّامَ ثائِرٍ حَرّانِ
3. I know wisdom teaches me that man
Is created of forethought
٣. أَنا أَدرانِيَ الرَشادُ بِأَنَّ الإِن
سَ مَخلوقَةٌ مِنَ الأَدرانِ
4. If fate has relieved my worries, then it
Has relieved me after relieving me
٤. إِن يَكُن أَبرَأَ القَضاءُ الضَنى فَه
وَبَراني مِن بَعدِ ما أَبراني
5. No drowsiness in my eyelids, nor have I
Known in this life any virgin trials
٥. لا كَرىً نائِمٌ بِجَفني وَلا أَع
لَمتُ في الدَهرِ فِتنَةً بِكِرانِ
6. Reason shows me that the lions of
The forest suffer what the lambs suffer
٦. قَد أَراني القِياسُ أَنَّ لُيوثَ ال
غابِ فيما يَنوبُ مِثلُ الإِرانِ
7. They frightened us of fate, and the self is
Bound to fate despite resistance
٧. خَوَّفونا مِنَ القِرانِ وَلا بُدَّ
لِنَفسٍ مَعَ الرَدى مِن قِرانِ
8. How many mountains of armies marched
By that which has two stones placed for it
٨. كَم جِبالٍ مِنَ الجُيوشِ تَرادى
وَالَّذي أوضِعَت لَهُ الحِجرانِ
9. Time has passed over the person so I
Have come to know that time makes me bitter
٩. مَرَّ آنٌ مِنَ الزَمانِ عَلى الشَخ
صِ فَقَد خِلتُ أَنَّ دَهراً مَراني
10. And sandstorms wanted to make me bare
With humility but they are all in bareness
١٠. وَعَراني خَطبٌ أَرادَ العَراني
نَ بِذُلٍّ وَكُلُّها في عِرانِ
11. The people claimed that some of the righteous
Depended on the atmosphere by flight
١١. زَعَمَ الناسُ أَنَّ قَوماً مِنَ الأَب
رارِ عولوا بِالجَوِّ بِالطَيَرانِ
12. And walked upon the surface of the water this
Superstition, never in times flowed
١٢. وَمَشَوا فَوقَ صَفحَةِ الماءِ هَذا الإِف
كُ هَيهاتَ ما جَرى العَصرانِ
13. None has walked upon the surface of water, not the
Sa'dan in the past or civilizations
١٣. ما مَشى فَوقَ لُجَّةِ الماءِ لا السَع
دانِ فيما مَضى وَلا العُمَرانِ
14. That host alleviated my bitterness
And God prevails over all hosts
١٤. أَقراني ذاكَ المُضَيِّفُ ما أَك
رَهُ وَاللَهُ غالِبُ الأَقرانِ
15. I have not been heedless so the guard urges me
To return like the bedouins
١٥. لَم أَبِت غافِلاً فَأَشراني الحِر
صُ إِلى أَن أَعودَ كَالأَشرانِ