
I called on the decrees of God that came before

ناديت أقضية الله التي سلفت

1. I called on the decrees of God that came before
Indeed glories have wasted their glories

١. نادَيتُ أَقضِيَةَ اللَهِ الَّتي سَلَفَت
إِنَّ المَعالِيَ بَذَّتَها مَعاليها

2. I put myself in their actions on a quiver
Of wealth, its usefulness is known through its actions

٢. وَضَعتُ نَفسي فَعاليها عَلى قَتَبٍ
مِنَ الغِنى يُعرِفُ الجَدوى فَعاليها

3. The turns of fate settle their hidden natures
Until you see its surroundings like its family

٣. نَوائِبُ الدَهرِ تَستَقري غَرائِزَها
حَتّى تَرى كَحَواليها خَواليها

4. As for the arrows of death, they are intent
So I do not care about the arrows of saying

٤. أَمّا نِبالُ المَنايا فَهيَ مُصمِيَةٌ
فَما نِبالُ مَقالٍ لا أُباليها

5. Beauty’s gift does not prevent her blessings
And that her surroundings stand around her

٥. لا تَمنَعُ الغادَةَ الحَسناءَ نِعمَتُها
وَأَن تَقومَ حَوالَيها حَواليها

6. And the loves do not benefit from her nights
A benefit when cunning comes from her nights

٦. وَما تُفيدُ الغَواني مِن لَآليها
نَفَعاً إِذا جاءَ كَيدٌ مِن لَياليها

7. And the tyrants of people did not find me hoping
That her first ones live their first ones

٧. وَلَم تَجِدني طُغاةُ الناسِ في طَمَعٍ
حَتّى تَعيشَ أَواليها أُواليها

8. The group of people were harsh in their viewing
Like the misery of the beast they were harsh in their transcendence

٨. جَماعَةُ القَومِ جَدَّت في تَناظُرِها
كَعانَةِ الوَحشِ جَدَّت في تَغاليها

9. A right over themselves is their coming together
So it is feared for them from their coming together

٩. حَقٌّ عَلى أَنفُسٍ مِنهُم تَكالُؤُها
فَقَد يُخافُ عَلَيها مِن تَكاليها

10. The belly of the desert is more barren than its surfaces
So expand for me so I can escape its coughing

١٠. بَطنُ البَسيطَةِ أَعفى مِن ظَواهِرِها
فَوَسِّعا لِيَ أَهرُب مِن سَعاليها

11. And its states do not cease their turns
So from severe afflictions or states

١١. وَما تَزالُ دَواليها نَوائِبَها
فَمِن شِدادِ خُطوبٍ أَو دَواليها

12. And I have prolonged its connection in anger
From me, its two abysses and connection run

١٢. وَقَد أَطَلتُ وِصاليها عَلى سُخُطٍ
مِنّي يَسِيّانِ غَرقاها وَصاليها

13. And my life has no rest from its questioning
When its water has flooded except its questioning

١٣. وَما اِستَراحَ لَعَمري مِن سَوائِلِها
إِذا طَغى مائُها إِلّا سَواليها