
Glory be to your Lord, does He pass away like others?

سبحان ربك هل يزول كغيره

1. Glory be to your Lord, does He pass away like others?
The splendor of the stars and the beauty of the moon fade away.

١. سُبحانَ رَبُّكَ هَل يَزولُ كَغَيرِهِ
شَرَفُ النُجومِ وَسُؤدَدُ الأَقمارِ

2. So it seems He who created souls found darkness for them,
So He hastened to destroy them with terrible annihilation.

٢. فَكَأَنَّ مَن خَلَقَ النُفوسَ رَأى لَها
ظُلَماً فَعاجَلَها بِسوءِ دَمارِ

3. I was not pleased with the contentment I was given
Of an overwhelming victorious life and gambling.

٣. ما سَرَّني بِقَناعَةٍ أوتيتُها
في العَيشِ مُلكا غالِبٍ وَذِمارِ

4. And among associates there are those whose wealth
Is the price of immorality and the profit of drunkards.

٤. وَمِنَ المَعاشِرِ مَن يَكونُ ثَراؤُهُ
مَهرَ البَغيِّ وَبُسرَةَ الخَمّارِ

5. Evil has a well-known place and good is glimpsed
From behind the veil.

٥. وَالشَرُّ مُشتَهِرُ المَكانِ مُعَرَّفٌ
وَالخَيرُ يُلمَحُ مِن وَراءِ خِمارِ

6. And man gambles the length of his life
With a fate that refused to be content with gambling.

٦. وَيُقامِرُ الإِنسانُ طولَ حَياتِهِ
قَدَراً تَمَنَّعَ مِن رِضاً بِقِمارِ

7. Be cautious of whom you love as you fear an enemy
And bargain with those who have no bargains.

٧. خَف مَن تَوَدُّ كَما تَخافُ مُعادِياً
وَتَمارَ فيمَن لَيسَ فيهِ تَماري

8. Mockery is provoked even by a relative, though he knows not
The harm his hands have wreaked like claws.

٨. فَالرُزءُ يَبعَثُهُ القَريبُ وَما دَرى
مُضَرٌّ بِما تَجني يَدا أَنمارِ

9. The young man goes out on his horse in the morning
As if he leaves with the mind of a donkey,

٩. يَغدو الفَتى وَالخَيلُ مِلكُ يَمينِهِ
وَكَأَنَّهُ غادٍ بِلُبِّ حِمارِ

10. So if you own land, guard its soil
And plant trees in it without fruit.

١٠. فَإِذا مَلَكتَ الأَرضَ فَاِحمِ تُرابَها
مِن غَرسِهِ شَجَراً بِغَيرِ ثِمارِ

11. If you run short of wine for some time
Suffice with pure wine once and keep some.

١١. إِن قَلَّتِ السَمراءُ عِندَكَ بُرهَةً
فَاِجزَء بِمَحَضٍ مَرَّةً وَسِمارِ

12. And the one whose claim is not proven has claimed
Great bodies and outstretched lifetimes.

١٢. وَقَد اِدَّعى مَن لَيسَ يَثبُتُ قَولَهُ
عِظمَ الجُسومِ وَبَسطَتَ الأَعمارِ

13. None persists but as another who perishes,
And the truth is known by its marks.

١٣. ما كابِرٌ إِلّا كَآخَرَ غابِرٍ
وَالحَقُّ يُعلَمُ وَجهُهُ بِأَمارِ

14. The world sings in one voice -
The hoopoes know only twittering.

١٤. وَتَغَنَّتِ الدُنِّيا بِصَوتٍ واحِدٍ
لا تُحسِنُ الرَبداءُ غَيرَ زِمارِ

15. Who has tried again and again has a long rope
With stars counted among the embers.

١٥. وَمَنِ المُجَرِّبُ وَالمَدى مُتَطاوِلٌ
عُدَّت كَواكِبُهُ مِنَ الأَغمارِ

16. I drank a cup to the dregs in my youth,
Then found in my old age the excess of wine hard to bear

١٦. وَشَرِبتُ كَأساً في الشَبيبَةِ سادِراً
فَوَجَدتُ بَعدَ الشَيبِ فَرطَ خُمارِ

17. Why did this night linger though it seems
Too short for a gambler's sitting?

١٧. ما بالُ هَذا اللَيلُ طالَ وَقَد يُرى
مُتَقاصِراً عَن جَلسَةِ السُمّارِ

18. Do I wish for dawn like an Indian sword while below it
There is a star solidly fixed like a nail?

١٨. أَتَرومُ فَجراً كَالحُسامِ وَدونَهُ
نَجمٌ أَقامَ تَمَكُّنَ المِسمارِ

19. The young man receives secrets like the blowing wind
Which if you entrust to him are broadcast like a flute.

١٩. تَلقى الفَتى كَالريحِ إِن أَودَعتَهُ
سِرّاً أُذيعَ فَصارَ كَالمِزمارِ

20. God’s kingdom remains manifest forever
While Adam and his sons lie in the dark.

٢٠. ما زالَ مُلكُ اللَهِ يَظهَرُ دائِباً
إِذ آدَمٌ وَبَنوهُ في الإِضمارِ

21. So restrain your gambling if you can, for perils
Have multiplied and I could not protect my gambling.

٢١. فَاِمنَع ذَمارَكَ إِن قَدِرتَ فَإِنَّني
عَدَتِ الخُطوبُ فَما حَمَيتُ ذِماري

22. The slender-waisted white camels pursue
Their beautiful magic for casting lots.

٢٢. تَقفوا الظَعائِنُ مِن نُوَيرَةَ أَجمَرَت
أَجمالَها سَحراً لِرَمي جِمارِ

23. You were counted among the builders of Mecca after
You were deemed unfit to be counted amongst builders.

٢٣. وَعُدِدتَ مِن عُمّارِ مَكَّةَ بَعدَما
كُنتَ المَريدَ يُعَدُّ في العُمّارِ

24. So let your clothes of Tus robes spare you
The wear of threadbare garments.

٢٤. فَلِيُغنِ عَن لِبسِ الشُفوفِ نَسائِجاً
بِالتِبرِ لُبسُكَ رَثَّةَ الأَطمارِ