1. I have brought the green meadow bare
The rain has clothed it with fabrics so the plants are clad
١. قَد أَهبِطُ الرَودَةَ الزَهراءَ عارِيَةً
سَدّى لَها الغَيثُ نسجاً فَالنَباتُ سَدِ
2. The anemones therein become happy at dusk
From what the runoff of mountain and lion have watered it
٢. تُمسي لشَقائِقُ فيها وَهيَ قانِيَةٌ
مِمّا سَقاها رُعافُ الجَديِ وَالأَسَدِ
3. The royal sons sing, if they stay in its yard
Without need for carpets, pillows or bedding
٣. يَغنى بَنو المُلكِ إِن حَلّوا بِساحَتِها
عَن الزَرابيّ وَالأَنماطِ وَالوَسُدِ
4. We know the body has no sense after the soul
Does it then sense when it parts from the frame?
٤. لا حِسٌّ لِلجِسمِ بَعدَ الرَوحِ نَعلَمُهُ
فَهَل تَحِسُّ إِذا بانَت عَنِ الجَسَدِ
5. Nature inclines toward what it is wont to seek
But it is dragged to what is decorated by corruption
٥. وَالطَبعُ يَهوي إِلى ما شانَ يَطلُبُهُ
لَكِن يُجَرُّ إِلى ما زانَ بِالمَسَدِ
6. In instincts are blameworthy morals
Shall we blame the vile and envious for that?
٦. وَفي الغَرائِزِ أَخلاقٌ مُذَمَّمَةٌ
فَهَل نُلامُ عَلى النَكراءِ وَالحَسَدِ
7. Is this how the people of earth were before you
Or did they change with traits among them that rotted?
٧. أَهَكَذا كانَ أَهلُ الأَرضِ قَبلَكُمُ
أَم غَيَّروا بِسَجايا مِنهُمُ فُسُدِ