1. The youth has seen the truth, and yet
He prefers living, thus he is like a madman.
١. الفَتى قَد رَأى اليَقينَ وَلَكِن
يُؤثِرُ العَيشَ فَهُوَ كَالمَختولِ
2. It is better for the wife of a ghost
Than her slain husband.
٢. خَيرَ فيما أَراهُ لِإِمرَأَةِ الجُن
دِيِّ مِن زَوجِها المَقطولِ
3. When the rope of contentment comes undone, she seeks
Sustenance from her unraveled thread.
٣. إِذ أَغارَت حَبلَ القَناعَةِ تَبغي ال
رِزقَ مِن عِندِ خَيطِها المَفتولِ
4. She is free from her daughters and sons,
Thus among women she is like an unmarried girl.
٤. خَلَصَت مِن بَناتِها وَبَنيها
فَهيَ بَينَ النِساءِ مِثلُ البَتولِ