
If you have two tongues, go forth as a warrior

إذا كنت ذا ثنتين فاغد محاربا

1. If you have two tongues, go forth as a warrior
Against two enemies, and beware of three evils

١. إِذا كُنتَ ذا ثِنتَينِ فَاِغدُ مُحارِباً
عَدُوَّينِ وَاِحذَر مِن ثَلاثِ ضَرائِرِ

2. And if they show eternal friendship and pleasure
How many resentments are hidden in secrets

٢. وَإِن هُنَّ أَبدَينَ المَودَةَ وَالرِضا
فَكَم مِن حَقودٍ غُيِّبَت في السَرائِرِ

3. Your company among women is harmful to them
So do not burden the noble women

٣. قِرانُكَ ما بَينَ النِساءِ أَذِيَّةٌ
لَهُنَّ فَلا تَحمِل أَذاةَ الحَرائِرِ

4. And if you are deluded by the times and its people
Then one of the charming female friends suffices you

٤. وَإِن كُنتَ غِرّاً بِالزَمانِ وَأَهلِهِ
فَتَكفيكَ إِحدى الآنِساتِ الغَرائِرِ

5. Indeed those who commit major sins wish they saw
Their crimes thrown into the graves

٥. لَقَد وَدَّ أَصحابُ الكَبائِرِ لَو رَأَوا
جَرائِرَهُم مَقذوفَةً في الجَرائِرِ