
I see you as a coward whenever you face

أراك زنيما إذا تعرضت ليلة

1. I see you as a coward whenever you face
A night of lances or a herd of gazelles

١. أَراكَ زَنيماً إِذا تَعَرَّضتَ لَيلَةً
لِأُدمِ رِماحٍ أَو لِغُزلانِ أَزنَما

2. The spoils of a people soon snatched by fate
So do not go near them or make piety your gain

٢. غَنائِمُ قَومٍ سَوفَ يَنهَبُها الرَدى
فَلا تَدنُ مِنها وَاِجعَل النُسكَ مُغنَما

3. They murmur with precious pearls to hearings
And deter the bold horses, adorned

٣. يُرَنِّمنَ بِالدُرِّ الثَمينِ مَسامِعاً
وَيَزجرنَ لِلبَينِ السَوامَ المُزَنَّما

4. And when a lofty village appeared
From the caves, she showed banners adorned

٤. وَلَمّا تَناءَت بَلدَةٌ عَنَمِيَّةٌ
مِن الغَورِ أَبدَينَ البَنانَ المُعَنَّما

5. They show what power cannot achieve
And they work in the guile of knights, annoyed

٥. يُرينَ عَلى ما لَيسَ يُمكِنُ قُدرَةً
وَيَعمَلنَ في كَيدِ الفَوارِسِ هِنَّما

6. Beside the thickets of life, they left a companion
And pitched for sleep sublime, embroidered

٦. لَدى سَمُراتِ الحَيِّ غادَرنَ سامِراً
وَخَيَّمنَ لِلنَومِ الرَفيعَ المُنَمنَما

7. Gardens and bliss which He owns
Banishes for you an owner and Hellfire

٧. جِنانٌ وَرُضوانُ الَّذي هُوَ مالِكٌ
لَها عَنكَ يَنفي مالِكاً وَجَهَنَّما

8. They dreamed, and dreams of imagination from an overflow of passion
Whispered from beneath clothes and tossed

٨. حَلُمنَ وَجُنَّ الحَليُ مِن فَرطِ لَهجَةٍ
فَوَسوَسَ مِن تَحتِ الثِيابِ وَهَينَما

9. And their imaginations fell silent from murmuring
And the drowned struggled not to murmur

٩. وَقَد صَمَتَت أَحجالُها عَن تَرَنُّمٍ
وَأَعيا غَريقاً كُظَّ أَن يَتَرَنَّما

10. So do not cry for camels if you see their perfection
Climbing the smooth sands whatever they climb

١٠. فَلا تَبكِ جَمَلاً إِن رَأَيتَ جِمالَها
تَسَنَّمنَ مِن رَملِ الغَضا ما تُسُنَّما