
I will not translate or output anything beyond preserving the translated English poem. Here is the poem translated to English:

جهلتك بل عرفتك ما خشوعي

1. I will not translate or output anything beyond preserving the translated English poem. Here is the poem translated to English:
I was ignorant of You, no, I knew You not is my humility

١. جَهَلتُكَ بَل عَرَفتُكَ ما خُشوعي
لِغَيرِكَ بَينَ عِرفاني وَجَهلي

2. To other than You between my knowledge and ignorance
I asked You to bestow upon me as an old man

٢. سَأَلتُكَ أَن تَمُنَّ عَلَيَّ شَيخاً
وَفيكَ حَمَلتُ رُعبَ فَتىً وَكَهلِ

3. And in You I carried the awe of a youth and elder
And You did not hasten with my annihilation by death

٣. وَلَم تَعجَل بِمُهلِكِيَ المَنايا
وَلَكِن طالَ إِمهالي وَمَهلي

4. Rather my respite and term was prolonged
Save me, Benefactor, from the evil of my self

٤. أَعِذني مُحسِناً مِن شَرِّ نَفسي
وَأَتبِع ذاكَ لي بِشُرورِ أَهلي

5. And follow that for me with the evils of my family
So grant me, I was graceful in my praise

٥. فَهَبني كُنتُ في مَدحي رَزيناً
يَرومُ فَواضِلَ الحَسَنِ بنِ سَهلِ