
When the spinning wheels hummed, she longed for

إذا ما الردينيات جارت سمت لها

1. When the spinning wheels hummed, she longed for
A spindle and distaff of her own, to spin

١. إِذا ما الرُدَينِيّاتُ جارَت سَمَت لَها
مَرادِنُ فيها كُرسُفٌ وَمَغازِلُ

2. She prayed to God to end the drought and famine
Each fate is ordained by God, the Fates unfurl

٢. دَعَت رَبَّها أَن يُهلِكَ البيضَ وَالقَنا
وَكُلٌّ لَهُ مِن قُدرَةِ اللَهِ آزِلُ

3. Vainglory is ingrained in Eve's daughters
Some boast of wealth, while others pose and twirl

٣. رِياءُ بَني حَوّاءَ في الطَبعِ ثابِتٌ
فَمِنهُم مُجِدٌّ في النِفاقِ وَهازِلُ

4. Flaunting their charity so people would say
Their line has horses robed in coat of mail

٤. سَخوا لِيَقولَ الناسُ جادوا وَأَقدَموا
لِيُذكَرَ في الهَيجاءِ قِرنٌ مَنازِلُ

5. The fawn betrayed me, after having its way
And the gazelles who peer from behind the veil

٥. وَغِزلانُ فَرتاجَ اِنتَحَتكَ خِيانَةً
وَآسادُ خِفّانِ الَّتي لا تُغازِلُ

6. How wondrous is the sun with no gray hair
The moon bears no litter across hill and dale

٦. فَيا عَجَبا لِلشَّمسِ لَيسَ لَها سِناً
وَلِلبَدرِ لَم تَحمِل سُراهُ المَنازِلُ

7. Did the racing steeds rejoice with praise?
Or those beasts weighed down with their heavy tails?

٧. فَهَل فَرِحَت بِالحَمدِ خَيلٌ سَوابِقٌ
وَبِالمَدحِ تِلكَ المُثَقَلاتُ البَوازِلُ