1. As if bodies, when their souls depart,
Are rock where they repose or wooden planks.
١. كَأَنَّما الأَجسادُ إِن فارَقَت
أَرواحَها صَخرٌ ثَوى أَو خُشُب
2. Nor does the dead man know if winding sheets
Swathing him are brocade or narrow wraps.
٢. وَما دَرى المَيتُ أَأَكفانُهُ
مُخلِقَةٌ في رَمسِهِ أَم قُشُب
3. Our case took on grey hairs though we hoped
That it would not turn grey or show white locks.
٣. شابَ عَلَينا أَمرَنا شائِبٌ
وَقَد وَدِدنا أَنَّهُ لَم يَشُب
4. Happy the bird who snatches scattered grain
Or beast that crops the herbage growing free.
٤. طَوبى لِطَيرٍ تَلقُطُ الحَبَّةَ المُلقاةَ
أَو وَحشٍ تَقَفّى العُشُب
5. It knows not humankind, nor violence feels,
No war's bright banners lure it to its doom.
٥. لا تَألَفُ الإِنسَ وَلا تَعرِفُ القَن
سَ وَلا تَسمو إِلَيها الأُشُب
6. So blessed who no urge to war feels growing
Within his soul, but rests in inward peace.
٦. فَلا تَشُبُّ الحَربَ وَقّادَةً
فَخامِدٌ في نَفسِهِ مَن يَشُبّ