
There were no people in this world, in any age

ما كان في هذه الدنيا بنو زمن

1. There were no people in this world, in any age
That I don't have some news about them

١. ما كانَ في هَذِهِ الدُنيا بَنو زَمَنٍ
إِلّا وَعِندِيَ مِن أَخبارِهِم طَرَفُ

2. Reason informs that these people were not virtuous
Or beneficial, or good natured, or discerning

٢. يُخَبِّرُ العَقلُ أَنَّ القَومَ ما كَرُموا
وَلا أَفادوا وَلا طابوا وَلا عَرَفوا

3. They lived briefly, lost in their misguidance
And will not succeed, for their misdeeds

٣. عاشوا قَليلاً وَما جوا في ضَلالَتِهِم
وَلا يَفوزونَ إِن جُوزوا بِما اِقتَرَفوا

4. If you suffer, your body bears the hardship
And if you live soft, what good is that luxury?

٤. إِذا شَقيتَ فَجِسمٌ نالَهُ نَصَبٌ
وَإِن تُرِفتَ فَماذا يَنفَعُ التَرَفُ

5. Oh mother of Dafar, may God make you a mother
From you comes waste, negligence and indulgence

٥. يا أُمَّ دَفرٍ لَحاكِ اللَهُ والِدَةً
مِنكِ الإِضاعَةُ وَالتَفريطُ وَالسَرفُ

6. If you were my bride, I'd divorce you
But you're my mother - can I turn away from you?

٦. لَو أَنَّكَ العِرسُ أَوقَعتُ الطَلاقَ بِها
لَكِنَّكَ الأُمُّ هَل لي عَنكِ مُنصَرَفُ

7. And one who trades it for a day will not lose dignity
When honor has passed it by

٧. وَلَن يُصيبَ خُفاقاً مَن يُقايِضُهُ
يَوماً بِنُدبَةَ لَمّا فاتَها الشَرَفُ

8. Men say mature minds abundant
If that were true, we'd say they're senile

٨. قالَت رِجالٌ عُقولُ الشُهُبِ وافِرَةٌ
لَو صَحَّ ذَلِكَ قُلنا مَسَّها خَرَفُ