
Do not rejoice at good omens you hear about

لا تفرحن بفأل إن سمعت به

1. Do not rejoice at good omens you hear about,
Nor fret when a wailing woman wails.

١. لا تَفرَحَنَّ بِفَألٍ إِن سَمِعتَ بِهِ
وَلا تَطَيَّر إِذا ما ناعِبٌ نَعَبا

2. Calamities are more dreadful to contemplate
Than ease to nurture fearfulness.

٢. فَالخَطبُ أَفظَعُ مِن سَرّاءَ تَأمُلُها
وَالأَمرُ أَيسَرُ مِن أَن تُضمِرَ الرُعُبا

3. When you reflect rationally, undisturbed
By an unsound mind, the difficult seems slight.

٣. إِذا تَفَكَّرتَ فِكراً لا يُمازِجُهُ
فَسادُ عَقلٍ صَحيحٍ هانَ ما صَعُبا

4. If the heart be healthy, it grants respite to the soul
Until you die, making its striving but play.

٤. فَاللُبُّ إِن صَحَّ أَعطى النَفسَ فَترَتَها
حَتّى تَموتَ وَسَمّى جِدَّها لَعِبا

5. The delusions of vain women in their playing
Are naught but fancies of a time that played at play.

٥. وَما الغَواني الغَوادي في مَلاعِبِها
إِلّا خَيالاتُ وَقتٍ أَشبَهَت لُعَبا

6. The body's excess burdens its bearer
Down to dust, increasing the digging of a grave.

٦. زِيادَةُ الجِسمِ عَنَّت جِسمَ حامِلِهِ
إِلى التُرابِ وَزادَت حافِراً تَعَبا