
I wondered at people who avoided the price of song

عجبت القوم جنبو ثمن الغنا

1. I wondered at people who avoided the price of song
Yet drank their cups through loans

١. عَجِبتُ القَومَ جَنَّبو ثَمَنَ الغِنا
وَقَد شَرِبوا كاساتِهِم بِدُيونِ

2. And better in my eyes than passed around palms
Are the palms of a vintner's apprentice, calloused

٢. وَأَفضَلُ عِندي مِن أَكُفٍّ تَداوَلَت
سُلافَةَ خَمّارٍ أَكُفُّ قُيونِ

3. They say, "We haven't drunk lies' talk,"
Yet it's witnessed in their faces and eyes

٣. يَقولونَ لَم نَشرَب مَقالَ تَكَذُّبٍ
وَقَد شَهِدَت في أَوجُهٍ وَعُيونِ