
Leave Adam, may God not heal his lips of raving

دع آدما لا شفاه الله من هبل

1. Leave Adam, may God not heal his lips of raving,
Weeping for his murdered son Abel.

١. دَع آدَماً لا شَفاهُ اللَهُ مِن هَبَلٍ
يَبكي عَلى نَجلِهِ المَقتولِ هابيلا

2. So in punishment for his sin
We keep contracting illnesses.

٢. فَفي عِقابِ الَّذي أَبداهُ مِن خَطَإٍ
ظَلنا نُمارِسُ مِن سُقمٍ عَقابيلا

3. While we, from folly, regard with wonder
A band standing confused, losing the way.

٣. وَنَحنُ مِن حَدَثانٍ نَمتَري عَجَباً
وَمَعشَرٌ يَقِفونَ الغَيَّ تَسبيلا

4. They are naughty children, though they feel secure,
If they guard their secrets, that won't lack naughtiness.

٤. هُمُ الغَرابيبُ مِن إِثمٍ وَإِن أَمِنوا
عَلى سِرارِكَ لَم تُعدَم غَرابيلا

5. An age that changes and a day that doesn't pass us
Without increasing the reasonable one's madness.

٥. دَهرٌ يَكُرُّ وَيَومٌ ما يَمُرُّ بِنا
إِلّا يَزيدُ بِهِ المَعقولُ تَخبيلا

6. Of the strangest strangeness, black-faced impudent ones
Whose children would be white rabbits.

٦. مِن أَنكَرِ النُكرِ سودانٌ شَرامِحَةٌ
تَكونُ أَبناؤُها بيضاً تَنابيلا

7. The lion, the biting one, acted pious,
And the tree roots produced lions, mounts.

٧. تَنَسَّكَ الأَسَدُ الضِرغامُ وَاِبتَكَرَت
جَآذِرُ العَينِ آساداً رَآبيلا

8. Drinking alcohol corrupts
Through the fault of Lamech, Cain, and Abel.

٨. إِنَّ القِيانَ وَشُربَ الراحِ مَفسَدَةٌ
مِن قَبلِ لَمكٍ وَقَينانٍ وَقابيلا

9. As for your worldly garments, they are fleeting,
And you haven't been clothed with piety.

٩. أَمّا سَرابيلُ دُنياكُم فَضافِيَةٌ
وَما كُسيتُم مِنَ التَقوى سَرابيلا

10. So the dust met the scattered pearls with a mouth
That tries to kiss the wanton singing girl.

١٠. فَقابَلَ التُربُ سِمطَي لُؤلُؤٍ بِفَمٍ
يَرومُ لِلمومِسِ الغَيداءِ تَقبيلا

11. And I didn't find the deaths of the heedless people
Neglect a lion cub or pardon a young lion.

١١. وَما وَجَدتُ مَنايا القَومِ مُغفِلَةً
شِبلاً بِغابٍ وَلا غَفراً بِإِشبيلا

12. I see pretentiousness in people has reached you
To the stars, though you are insignificant.

١٢. أَرى التَطَوُّلَ في الأَقوامِ طالَ بِكُم
إِلى النُجومِ وَإِن كُنتُم حَنابيلا