
The world opposes us in anger and contentment

تخالفنا الدنيا على السخط والرضى

1. The world opposes us in anger and contentment
When a person is about to rejoice it says to him: wait!

١. تُخالِفُنا الدُنيا عَلى السَخطِ وَالرِضى
فَإِن أَوشَكَ الإِنسانُ قالَت لَهُ مَهلا

2. It is water, if only I knew its course
I would say to myself: its course was ignorance

٢. هِيَ الماءُ لَوَ انَّي بِعِلمي وَرَدتُهُ
لَقُلتُ لِنَفسيَ كانَ مَورِدُهُ جَهلا

3. It never had mercy on a child, honored a young man
Had compassion on an old man, or respected an elder

٣. فَما رَئِمَت طِفلاً وَلا أَكرَمَت فَتىً
وَلا رَحِمَت شَيخاً وَلا وَقَّرَت كَهلا

4. We headed to the sad plain seeking
Ease but we did not find ease or plain sailing

٤. قَطَعنا إِلى السَهلِ الحَزونَةَ نَبتَغي
يَساراً فَلَم نُلفِ اليَسيرَ وَلا السَهلا

5. So do not expect good days ever
For good is not thought well of in them

٥. فَلا تَأمُلِ الأَيّامَ لِلخَيرِ مَرَّةً
فَلَيسَت لِخَيرٍ أَن يُظَنَّ بِها أَهلا