1. Wealth contains benefit for one who is generous with it
Indeed, virtues belong to those who spend their money
١. وَالمالُ يَحويهِ جَدوى مَن يَجودُ بِهِ
إِنَّ المَكارِمَ لِلمُجدينَ أَموالُ
2. And words, if they remain, are counted as traces for a young man
So do not dishonor yourself after death with words
٢. وَالقَولُ إِن يَبقَ يُحسَبُ لِلفَتى أَثَراً
فَلا تَشينَنكَ بَعدَ المَوتِ أَقوالُ
3. States and circumstances will inevitably pass away
For conditions do not endure upon conditions
٣. حالٌ وَحَولٌ عَلى أَن يَذهَبا خُلِقا
فَما تَدومُ عَلى الأَحوالِ أَحوالُ
4. And glory is like sustenance - this one attained riches from it
While that passed by the one of meager means
٤. وَالمَجدُ كَالرُزقِ هَذا نالَ مِنهُ غِنىً
وَذاكَ مِنهُ مافاتَ إِعوالُ
5. Excellence is not accumulated, but high position is given in Rajab to war
And given in Shawwal to the holiday
٥. لا يَجمَعُ الفَضلَ بَل يُعطى العُلا رَجَبٌ
لِلحَربِ يُجبى وَيُعطى الفِطرَ شَوّالُ