1. God, no doubt of Him, though He is hidden
The winds blow and all lean towards their innate dispositions
١. اللَهُ لا رَيبَ فيهِ وَهوَ مُحتَجِبٌ
بادٍ وَكُلٌّ إِلى طَبعٍ لَهُ جَذَبا
2. The people of life are like brothers of death, so watch out
For those bent on stillness have lingered over wine and sweetness
٢. أَهلُ الحَياةِ كَإِخوانِ المَماتِ فَأَه
وِن بِالكُماةِ أَطالوا السُمرَ وَالعَذَبا
3. The evil know not what bitterness they have inflicted
Upon it, nor the naked how they have been made to suffer
٣. لايَعلَمُ الشَريُ ما أَلقى مَرارَتَهُ
إِلَيهِ وَالأَريُ لَم يَشعُر وَقَد عَذُبا
4. You asked me, so your asking wearied me -
Whoever claims he is lasting, he has lied
٤. سَأَلتُموني فَأَعيَتني إِجابَتُكُم
مَن اِدَّعى أَنَّهُ دارٍ فَقَد كَذِبا