
Work is no longer work, and time has passed,

عمل كلا عمل ووقت فائت

1. Work is no longer work, and time has passed,
When a hand possesses, it casts away what it owns,

١. عَمَلٌ كَلا عَمَلٍ وَوَقتٌ فائِتٌ
وَيَدٌ إِذا مَلَكَت رَمَت ماتَملِكُ

2. People come and go, one nation perishes,
While another is renewed and reborn,

٢. وَشُخوصُ أَقوامٍ تَلوحُ فَأَمَّةٌ
قَدِمَت مِجَدَّدَةً وَأُخرى تَهلِكُ

3. Bodies return to dust, that is their fate,
But spirits - who knows where they roam and walk?

٣. أَمّا الجُسومُ فَلِلتُرابِ مَآلُها
وَعَيَيتُ بِالأَرواحِ أَنى تَسلُكُ