1. He sought lowly goals and ascended the pulpit
To describe the reckoning to a nation, to horrify it
١. طَلَبَ الخَسائِسَ وَاِرتَقى في مِنبَرٍ
يَصِفُ الحِسابَ لِأُمَّةٍ لِيَهولَها
2. Yet he does not believe in any resurrection
By night, he portrays in souls their stupor
٢. وَيَكونُ غَيرَ مُصَدِّقٍ بِقِيامَةٍ
أَمسى يُمَثِّلُ في النُفوسِ ذُهولَها
3. And I found the night of confusion dressed its cloak
On its elders, youth, and adults
٣. وَوَجَدتُ لَيلَ الغَيِّ أَلبَسَ مُردَها
وَشُيوخَها وَشَبابَها وَكُهولَها
4. If the dead of the metropolises alone arose
They would fill the lands, grieving and desolate
٤. لَو قامَ أَمواتُ العَواصِمِ وَحدَها
مَلَأوا البِلادَ حَزونَها وَسُهولَها
5. So take what the wise one said and live by it
And leave the foolish their lies and ignorance
٥. فَخُذِ الَّذي قالَ اللَبيبُ وَعِش بِهِ
وَدَعِ الغُواةَ كَذوبَها وَجَهولَها