1. He goes to earn a measly carat, a brother of hard work,
If wickedness in it was weighed, it would be a quintal.
١. يَغدو إِلى كَسبِ قيراطٍ أَخو عَمَلٍ
لَو يوزَنُ الإِثمُ فيهِ كانَ قِنطارا
2. He wants to cling to the allowed times,
Alas! Time is nothing but a bird that flew away.
٢. يَبغي التَشَبُّثَ بِالأَوقاتِ جائِزُها
هَيهاتَ ما الوَقتُ إِلّا طائِرٌ طارا
3. So restrain the thoughts of an ungrateful soul,
For you may face dangers in your world.
٣. فَاِزجُر خَواطِرَ نَفسٍ غَيرِ مُحسِنَةٍ
فَقَد تُجَشِّمُ في دُنياكَ أَخطارا
4. And people debase themselves with faults,
Until they are rid of things bit by bit.
٤. وَالناسُ يَخزونَ بِالسَوآتِ أَنفُسَهُم
حَتّى يُقَضّوا مِنَ الأَشياءِ أَوطارا
5. And leaving a transient pleasure,
Returns eloquent mature speech.
٥. وَهَجرُ لَذَّةٍ حينٍ غَيرِ دائِمَةٍ
يَرُدُّ بِالمَنطِقِ المُتَفالَ مِعطارا
6. And people's hands may be generous,
Until they are counted with rains, showers.
٦. وَقَد تَكونُ أَيادي القَومِ باذِلَةً
حَتّى تُعَدُّ مَعَ الأَمطارِ أَمطارا
7. If you are silent about the food and drink of the vulgar,
Then do not try to unveil dignities.
٧. إِن صُمتَ عَن مَأكَلِ العادي وَمَشرَبِهِ
فَلا تُحاوِل عَلى الأَعراضِ إِفطارا
8. And nicer than musk and droplets,
Is that you do not frequent the house of evil, lands.
٨. وَإِنَّ أَطيَبَ مِن مِسكٍ وَمِن قُطُرٍ
أَن لا تَطورَ لِدارِ السَوءِ أَقطارا