1. My state is that of the despaired hopeful one
And I only retrace my steps
١. حالِيَ حالُ اليائِسِ الراجي
وَإِنَّما أَرجِعُ أَدراجي
2. When I see goodness in my slumber
I count it as the night of my ascension
٢. إِذا رَأَيتُ الخَيرَ في رَقدَتي
عَدَدتُها لَيلَةَ مِعراجي
3. If I get up from the rags of this dust
I will be guided to the verdant resting place
٣. إِن قُمتُ مِن وبرَةِ هَذا الثَرى
أُهدى إِلى خَضراءَ مِئراجِ
4. So praise be to Allah for the blessing
That comes after hardship and distress
٤. فَالحَمدُ لِلَّهِ عَلى نِعمَةٍ
تُعقِبُ مِن ضَنكٍ وَإِحراجِ
5. If I were Al-Birjis or his neighbor
I would descend from the highest minarets
٥. لَو أَنَّني البِرجيسُ أَو جارُهُ
نَزَلتُ مِن أَرفَعَ أَبراجِ
6. What mother of winds could when she comes
Make my inheritance tears of affliction
٦. ما أُمُّ سِرياحٍ إِذا ما غَدَت
مُوَرِّثَتي أَدمُعَ دَرّاجِ
7. The young warrior forgets in his grave
Days of bridling and saddling
٧. يَنسى الفَتى الحَربِيُّ في قَبرِهِ
أَيّامَ إِلجامٍ وَإِسراجِ
8. And his plunging into the perils of battle
With ambitious eyes, excitable and impetuous
٨. وَخَوضَهُ في نَفَيانِ الوَغى
عَلى طُموحِ الطَرفِ هَرّاجِ
9. And his whitening of the dark, finding it charming
To the blackness that startles the terrified
٩. وَخَضبَهُ الأَبيَضَ مُستَأنِساً
بِأَسوَدٍ لِلهَولِ فَرّاجِ
10. It pours forth what the goblet took away
With mercury that flows murmuring
١٠. يَفُضُّ ما أَذهَبَ مِن قَونَسٍ
بِزِئبَقٍ يَمتَدُّ رَجراجِ
11. Whether time has limped or grown lame
Horsemen questioning the doubts of the lame
١١. أَشَلَّ أَو أَعرَجَ دَهرٌ عَدا
فَوارِساً عَن شَكِّ أَعراجِ