1. The Resurrection will be fraught with contention,
And nothing can save its wicked ones from perdition.
١. أَما القِيامَةُ فَالتَنازُعُ شائِعٌ
فيها وَما لِخَبيثِها إَصحارُ
2. It will say to the pearls floating aimlessly one day,
"To the darkness of seas, O pearls, make your way!"
٢. قالَت مَعاشِرُ ما لِلُؤلُؤِ عائِمٍ
يَوماً إِلى ظُلَمِ المَحارِ مَحارُ
3. Numerous are the marvels made by the Almighty,
Where our minds fail and get lost, try as they might.
٣. وَبَدائِعُ اللَهِ القَديرِ كَثيرَةٌ
فَيَحورُ فيها لُبُّنا وَيَحارُ
4. These letters form but a single line of verse,
From which speech can be woven - how strange and terse!
٤. هَذي حُروفُ اللَفظِ سَطرٌ واحِدٌ
مِنها يُؤَلَّفُ لِلكَلامِ بِحارُ
5. Make your brother understand as you desire,
By saying "O Confused" or "O Perplexed" entire.
٥. أَفهِم أَخاكَ بِما تَشاءُ وَلا تُبَل
يا حارِ قُلتَ هُناكَ أَو يا حارُ
6. A man's aim is to report what is in his heart,
And through his words a magician's role he'll chart.
٦. غَرَضُ الفَتى الإِخبارُ عَمّا عِندَهُ
وَمِنَ الرِجالِ بِقَولِهِ سَحّارُ
7. My nights did not bring what I'm thankful for,
Else mornings would have done the same and more.
٧. لَم تَأتِ آصالي بِما أَنا شاكِرٌ
مِنها فَتَفعَلَ مِثلَهُ الأَسحارُ