
You are confused, so which people will you follow?

حيران أنت فأي الناس تتبع

1. You are confused, so which people will you follow?
Fortunes come and go, and each is ignorant by nature,

١. حَيرانُ أَنتَ فَأَيَّ الناسِ تَتَّبِعُ
تَجري الحُظوظُ وَكُلٌّ جاهِلٌ طَبِعُ

2. While a mother gets one-sixth, more compassionate
Than a daughter who gets half, or a bride who gets a quarter,

٢. وَالأُمُّ بِالسُدسِ عادَت وَهيَ أَرأَفُ
مِن بِنتٍ لَها النِصفُ أَو عِرسٍ لَها الرُبعُ

3. Calamities batter us down like raging camels,
While the earth consumes - will the hyena ever have enough?

٣. وَالحَتفُ كَالثائِرِ العادي يُصَرِّعُنا
وَالأَرضُ تَأكُلُ هَلّا تَكتَفي الضَبُعُ

4. As for your claims, they are now laughable,
And your soul will never be sated with its greed,

٤. أَمّا دَعاويكَ فَهِيَ الآنَ مُضحِكَةٌ
وَما لِنَفسِكَ مِن أَطماعِها شِبَعُ

5. O wicked one who pretends to be an angel,
And, among a people, a cunning fox who pretends to be a lion,

٥. يا فاسِقاً يَتَراءى أَنَّهُ مَلَكٌ
وَفارَةً عِندَ قَومٍ أَنَّها سَبُعُ

6. How people resemble livestock gathered together
To the simple open plain by a herder,

٦. ما أَشبَهَ الناسَ بِالأَنعامِ ضَمَّهُمُ
إِلى البَسيطَةِ مُصطافٌ وَمُرتَبَعُ

7. If you were not the lead camel of a herd, you would resemble it;
Your weddings are ewes counted, and your son, a lamb

٧. إِن لَم تَكُن فَحلَ إِبلٍ كُنتَ مُشبِهَهُ
أَعراسُكَ الذَودُ عُدَّت وَاِبنُكَ الرُبعُ