
Turn away, you traitor, do not come near

تولي يا خبيثة لا هلمي

1. Turn away, you traitor, do not come near
I say when you go far and do not draw close

١. تَوَلّي يا خَبيثَةُ لا هَلُمّي
أَقولُ إِذا نَأَيتِ وَلا تَعالي

2. Even if you were loyal, my companion
I do not fear that you will change sides

٢. وَإِمّا كُنتِ يا نُوَبي وَلاءً
فَإِنّي لا أُحاذِرُ أَن تُوالي

3. The people aspire to rise to great heights
So like the moon over rocky terrain, draw near

٣. تَعالى القَومُ في طَلَبِ المَعالي
فَيا قَمَراً بِذي كَلَإٍ تَعالى

4. And if I were granted in days past a beloved friend
You bargained affection and did not refuse

٤. وَلَو أوتيتُ في الأَيّامِ لُبّاً
تَقارَضَتِ الوِدادَ وَلَم تُقالي