
No distinction between Moses and Pharaoh

ما بين موسى ولا فرعون تفرقة

1. No distinction between Moses and Pharaoh
In the face of death, whether small or grand

١. ما بَينَ موسى وَلا فِرعَونَ تَفرِقَةٌ
عِندَ المَنونِ بِإِكبارٍ وَإِصغارِ

2. As if it were a pitcher that fed a blaze
With whatever wood the kindling or cave had

٢. كَأَنَّها ذاتُ قُرٍّ أَطعَمَت لَهَباً
ما ضَمَّهُ الحَطبُ مِن سِدرٍ وَمِن غارِ

3. Or a mother ewe where slaughter befell a flock
Of freeman and slave whom it herded to the cave

٣. أَو أُمُّ أَجرٍ جَرى قَتلٌ عَلى نَفَرٍ
حُرٍّ وَعَبدٍ فَجَرَّتهُم إِلى الغارِ

4. It throws two, one of speech and one muted
Into a mouth where all tastes seem bitter

٤. تَرمي بِعُضوَينِ ذي نُطقٍ وَذي خُرسٍ
إِلى فَمٍ لِصُنوفِ الطَعمِ فَغّارِ