1. I roamed my soul, admonishing it insistently,
And the likes of it the sensible one would admonish.
١. غَدَوتُ عَلى نَفسي أُثَرِّبُ جاهِداً
وَأَمثالَها لامَ اللَبيبُ المُثَرِّبُ
2. If my body's final home is but dust,
What luck in grooming it, I implore and wish!
٢. إِذا كانَ جِسمِيَ مِن تُرابٍ مَآلَهُ
إِلَيهِ فَما حَظّي بِأَنِّيَ مُترِبُ
3. And the world with its motley tongues never ceased,
Revealing the unsightly and expressing it unleashed.
٣. وَما زالَتِ الدُنيا بِأَصنافِ أَلسُنٍ
تُبَيِّنُ عَن غَيرِ الجَميلِ وَتُعرِبُ
4. If it once aggrieved me with loss and sorrow,
It's no fault of mine what adversity has cherished.
٤. إِذا أَغرَبَت يَوماً بِرُزءٍ عَلى الفَتى
فَلَيسَت عَلى نَفسي بِما حُمَّ تُغرِبُ
5. I tried it, mother of Al-Walid, for the ambitious one,
Yet from mother of Al-Walid the trier despairs.
٥. وَجَرَّبتُها أُمَّ الوَليدِ لِطامِعٍ
وَيَيئِسُ مِن أُمِّ الوَليدِ المُجَرِّبُ
6. For one who loves life, crying is a rightful deed,
When the sun's horn emerges or at sunset fades.
٦. يَحِقُّ لِمَن يَهوى الحَياةَ بُكاؤُهُ
إِذا لاحَ قُرنُ الشَمسِ أَو حينَ تَغرُبُ
7. Each soul distances a birth and draws near its death,
As lives approach their setting, it comes nearer, out of breath.
٧. وَما نَفَسٌ إِلّا يُباعِدُ مَولِداً
وَيُدني المَنايا لِلنُفوسِ فَتَقرُبُ
8. Does Suhayl own in your orbit a helper and aide,
When events have left it bewildered and dazed?
٨. فَهَل لِسُهَيلٍ في مَعَدِّكَ ناصِرٌ
إِذا أَسلَمَتهُ لِلحَوادِثِ يَعرُبُ
9. It guided to the path of guidance throngs
Of brilliant rising dawns or prides that blazed.
٩. وَأَهدى إِلى نهجِ الهُدى مِن مَعاشِرٍ
نَواضِحُ تَسنو أَو عَوامِلُ تَكرُبُ
10. Do not the living differ in what they initiated?
Though the blue dusk has blanketed all unified.
١٠. أَلا تَفرَقُ الأَحياءُ مِمّا بَدا لَها
وَقَد عَمَّها بِالفَجرِ أَزرَقُ مُغرَبُ
11. Remaining lifetime whose misdeeds made me
Hasten unto bitter death, distraught and terrified.
١١. وَشَفَّ بَقاءٌ صِرتُ مِن سوءِ فِعلِهِ
أَهَشُّ إِلى المَوتِ الزُؤامِ وَأَطرَبُ
12. Wield your sword and steady your spear, for havoc
Is more worthy of your hand and better wielded.
١٢. فَشِم صارِماً وَارِكُز قَناةً فَلِلردى
يَدُ هِيَ أَولى بِالحِمامِ وَأَدرَبُ
13. I pour forth for yearnings and shoot with arrows,
And stab in the heart of (poetic) meter fivefold.
١٣. أَفَضُّ لِهاماتٍ وَأَرمى بِأَسهُمٍ
وَأَطعَنُ في قَلبِ الخَميسِ وَأَضرَبُ
14. I see the feeder of poetic meter, may God be his friend,
Will eat after the friend and drink sublime.
١٤. أَرى مُطعِمَ الرَمسِ اللِهَمَّ خَليلَهُ
سَيَأكُلُ مِن بَعدِ الخَليلِ وَيَشرَبُ