1. Poetry which time has dyed with the hue of a connoisseur
A color it established stable, unchanging
١. شَعرٌ كَساهُ الدَهرُ صِبغَةَ حاذِقِ
لَوناً أَقامَ بِحالِهِ لَم يَنصُلِ
2. My specter, even if I gain wealth for the earth
Is a flavor and element of our finest, like onions
٢. شَبَحي وَإِن نِلتُ الثَرَيّا لِلثَرى
طُعمٌ وَعُنصُرُ خَيرِنا كَالعُنصُلِ
3. And all people desire what eludes them
And tomorrow they strive for unattained goals
٣. وَالناسُ كُلُّهُمُ بَغى ما فاتَهُ
وَغَدا يُحاوِلُ مَطلَباً لَم يَحصُلِ
4. Disassociating without any fault among them
And a brother of sins, not one to disassociate
٤. مُتَنَصِّلٌ مِن غَيرِ ذَنبٍ فيهِمُ
وَأَخو ذُنوبٍ لَيسَ بِالمُتَنَصِّلِ
5. If they were to choose between life and otherwise
This world would not be the chooser's attainment
٥. لَو خُيِّروا بَينَ الحَياةِ وَغَيرِها
ما كانَتِ الدُنيا اِختِيارَ مُحَصِّل
6. And I see the youth, having reached the heights of glory
Through fortune, not his years or pruning hook
٦. وَأَرى الفَتى بَلَغَ المَكارِمَ وَالعُلا
بِالحَظِّ لا بِسِنانِهِ وَالمُنصُلِ
7. A body that blames the soul, and it blames the body
In an overall and detailed affair between them
٧. جِسمٌ يَذُمُّ النَفسَ وَهيَ تَذُمُّهُ
في مُجمَلٍ مِن أَمرِها وَمُفَصَّلِ
8. They conflict, and in conflict there is respite
From the misery of a life bound by hurts
٨. يَتَقاطَعونَ وَفي القَطيعَةِ راحَةٌ
مِن بُؤسِ عَيشٍ بِالأَذاةِ مُوَصَّلِ
9. Souls receive their shrouds from darkness
Or dawn, or daylight, or sunset
٩. تَلقى النُفوسُ حُتوفَها مِن مُظلِمٍ
أَو مُصبِحٍ أَو مُظهِرٍ أَو مُؤصِلِ
10. It's as if your soul never lodged in its person
And the wind never blew into its joints
١٠. فَكَأَنَّ روحَكَ لَم يَحُلَّ بِشَخصِهِ
وَالراحُ ما دَبَّت لَهُ في مَفصِلِ