1. I forgave for a time the relapse of sins,
And with the king of men forgiveness is sought,
١. غَفَرتُ زَماناً في اِنتِكاسِ مَآثِمٍ
وَعِندَ مَليكِ الناسِ يُلتَمَسُ الغَفرُ
2. In the solitude of man are kinds of pleasure,
And all kinds of beasts the desert brings together.
٢. وَفي وَحدَةِ الإِنسانِ أَصنافُ لَذَّةٍ
وَكُلُّ صُنوفِ الوَحشِ يَجمَعُها القَفرُ
3. Perhaps sins were a ladder for religion,
And your fire under water, digging brings it out.
٣. لَعَلَّ ذُنوباً كُنَ لِلدينِ سُلَّماً
وَنارُكَ دونَ الماءِ يَقدَحُها الحَفرُ
4. Yearning for musk or smeared with ambergris,
I see Umm Dafar whose son did not abandon her, Dafar.
٤. تَطَلَّ بِمِسكٍ أَو تَضَمَّخ بِعَنبَرٍ
أَرى أُمَّ دَفرٍ ما عَدانا اِبنُها دَفرُ
5. And what is the grave but a dwelling which
The lies of wishes then in it the people settle.
٥. وَما القَبرُ إِلّا مَنزِلٌ نَفَرَت لَهُ
كَذوبُ المُنى ثُمَّ اِطمَأَنَّ بِها النَفرُ