
Bear the burden of your self and tend to it

تحمل ثقل نفسك واحفظنها

1. Bear the burden of your self and tend to it
For the Almighty has lifted from you my burdens

١. تَحَمَّل ثِقلَ نَفسِكَ وَاِحفَظَنها
فَقَد حَطَّ المُهَيمِنُ عَنكَ ثِقلي

2. Do you not see a world coming and going
While it remains as if it were pasture for herbs

٢. أَلَم تَرَ عالَماً يَمضي وَيَأتي
سِواهُ كَأَنَّهُ مَرعيُّ بَقلِ

3. They are minds rusted and worn down
And none could polish them to a sheen

٣. هِيَ الأَفهامُ قَد صَدِئَت وَكَلَّت
وَلَم يَظفَر لَها أَحَدٌ بِصَقلِ

4. Do you reason an hour and covet reason
For your livelihood or were you created without reason?

٤. أَتَعقُلُ ساعَةً فَتَرومَ عَقلاً
لِعَنسِكَ أَم خُلِقتَ بِغَيرِ عَقلِ

5. How can I settle in a house
When the Master of the house gives notice I must leave

٥. وَكَيفَ أُجيدُ في دارٍ بِناءً
وَرَبُّ الدارِ يُؤذِنُني بِنَقلِ