
I blamed you, mother of misfortune, so listen to me

ذممتك أم دفر فاسمعيني

1. I blamed you, mother of misfortune, so listen to me
And repay me for that, or leave me be

١. ذَمَمتُكِ أُمَّ دَفرٍ فَاِسمَعيني
وَجازيني بِذَلِكَ أَو دَعيني

2. For you were never a lover to me one day
So to deceive me, you are closest in intimacy

٢. فَما كُنتُ الحَبيبَ إِلَيكَ يَوماً
فَأَقرُبُ في الثَوِيِّ لِتَخدَعيني

3. I cursed you intensely, and we became confused
Both of us went in the garb of the eye's blindness

٣. لَعَنتُكَ جاهِداً وَقَد اِشتَبَهنا
كِلانا راحَ في بُردَي لَعينِ

4. On the morals of the old woman her children tomorrow
For them is a stream of treachery gushing

٤. عَلى خُلقِ العَجوز غَدا بَنوها
لَهُم وِردٌ مِنَ الغَدرِ المَعينِ

5. When the forty are completed in perfection
Man has no intimate friend for the eye

٥. إِذا ما الأَربَعونَ مَضَت كَمالاً
فَما لِلمَرءِ مِن أَربٍ لِعينِ

6. And the deceits of women when they are fulfilled
To the authority of demise are like helpers

٦. وَغِشيانُ النِساءِ إِذا تَقَضَّت
لِسُلطانِ المَنِيَّةِ كَالمُعينِ